Sunday, March 7, 2010

First t-ball game for the season

Baseball (t-ball) season has begun. Logan had his first game of the season against the Red Sox. As long as he is paying attention he does very well. It just seems though that the dirt is much more interesting. The first inning he played catcher, a.k.a. play in the dirt because you get no balls. The second inning he played short stop and made a really good stop; when he was paying attention. At batting time he hit the ball and ran really hard to the correct bases. We are excited that he is playing again this year. It's more competitive this year making this a great learning experience.

Playing catcher...I mean playing in the dirt

Last minute reminders from Daddy

Getting ready to hit

Waiting to catch

Baby Shower

You know you are truly blessed with the people you are surrounded by take time out of their busy lives to celebrate your upcoming baby. My team hosted a baby shower in honor of Baby "K." It was very nice and I believe everyone had a great time. Baby "K" was given LOTS of great things. This girl is so blessed and will be dressed SO cute! Thank you all for helping us making this time even more special.

My amazing team

Logan just loves this outfit

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Surgery...once again

Logan had to overcome yet again another surgery. A few days ago Logan had the surgery the hemotologist had been wanting to put off as long as possibe; a tonsillectomy. Many precautions were made by all the doctors involved to make sure that his surgery was a success. We can thankfully say that it was. Prior to the surgery (30 minutes to be exact) he had to be given a blood infusion to help clot his blood during the surgery. The blood was specifically processed to contain only the factor/protein that Logan's blood is missing. Once the surgery began within 30 minutes the second medication to help with the coagulation was administered. This medication we are still giving him 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Once the surgery was over he was wheeled to his room and the recovery began. As of today Logan is doing exceptionally well. Next we will follow up with the ENT post surgery and to determine how we need to treat the polyps found inside his sinus cavity. If these go left untreated then we will be back in the same boat with his sinuses closed.
We are very thankful that this surgery was such a huge success and he is doing so well.

Watching TV waiting

About to recieve blood infusion

In our room

Baby Girl's Room

Sorry it has been some time before posts have been made, but with the progress of getting the baby's room ready the computer was down due to relocating. Over a weeks time Tony taped off the room, painted the base color, taped for the stripes,and painted the stripes. Man, has he been busy. Through the pictures you will see the progress that has been made so far. Still we have to paint the chair railing and then put it up. Once that is completed the furniture will get to go in and then all the fun decorating begins!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 26 Update

Pouting already!

Finally a good profile view

The anticipated week of my pregnancy has arrived. I am now 26 weeks along; right where I was when I went into preterm labor with Logan and began bed rest. My doctor had me come in for an ultrasound to check cervical length and examine me. All looked GREAT!!! Now some of the anxiety has subsided. Hopefully this pregnancy will cocntinue along this path and be a better experience.

During the ultrasound we finally were able to get some better pictures of baby girl. You could see her opening and closing her mouth and sticking out her lip to pout.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today we had another ultrasound just to double check everything and look at the heart more closely. All the chambers of the heart were functioning properly, along with the pulmonary valve and vein. It was a huge sigh of relief to know the heart looks great and no serious abnormalities were evident. There was one problem, this baby girl is VERY hard-headed already. Of course I wanted for them to double check that it was a girl. Well, this little pill decided to cover herself up with her foot. Finally she moved her foot for a split second and the technician was able to see a slight glimpse of the girl parts. The perinatologist says that all signs are still saying that it's a girl. We are very excited, just a little worried that we have been told more than once that this baby is hard-headed. I say we blame Tony! Now we look forward to achieving our next milestone, 26 weeks. We are 2 weeks away, but staying very optimistic.

Sorry for not posting an ultrasound picture but all you would get was a picture of her spine. I don't find that very intreging.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

White Christmas

Playing out in the snow

With all the cousins, minus Justin (he was too busy making a snowman)

Logan's snow angel

Logan & Mommy in the snow

Caught in midform with a snowball

Wonderful memories were made Christmas eve this year. In Texas you rarely see snow, especially on Christmas eve. Well this year the holiday were made a extra special with the large white snowflakes that began to fall around noon. Logan was so excited to finally be able to make a snow angel. He also quickly caught onto making snowballs and throwing them at Mommy & Daddy. What a wonderful memory for us all!